In the era of Oncoplastic breast surgery with routine, standard tissue mobilization, the ability to clearly delineate the tumor bed without compromising tissue re-approximation is key.
I place VeraForm directly at the tumor bed (even in anatomically ideal incision placement) in any onco or non onco- plastic breast surgery. Its genius lies in its simplicity during deployment. It works extremely well , regardless of tumor bed size or location. My patients love the fact that they cant feel the product and VeraForm is there to optimize their own treatment with XRT.
VeraForm placement takes any guess work out of XRT planning, thus affording each patient precise XRT delivery and optimized care.
Whether placing in single site unilateral cases or multifocal/ multi-centric sites, the resulting exact tumor bed delineation is without compare.
Sunny Mitchell, M.D.
Medical Director of Breast Center
Director of Breast Surgery
Montefiore Nyack Hospital
Nyack, New York